Latest news
Please note that the church office is operating temporary hours and will be only open during the following hours:
MONDAY​​​ - 10am to 11am
WEDNESDAY​​ - 10am to 11am
THURSDAY​​​ - 10am to 11am
FRIDAY​​​ - 10am to 11am
If you have any urgent enquiries please contact:-
MINISTER​​​ Rev - Maggie McArthur​​ on 01389 849329​ or​ 07799556367
SESSION CLERK ​​- Mrs Maureen Walker​​ on 01389 841782
SAFEGUARDING​​ - Mrs Judy Wilson​​​ on 01389 763275 ​or​ 07884496257
PROPERTY​​​ - Mr Tom Darroch​​​ via 01389 841782
Thank you for your patience.
Focus - Christmas edition....
The Christmas edition is being printed and published today. If you can't wait for the printed copy please download the pdf version here and print it out on your home printer. Tip* Set you printer to 'Two sided printing' and 'short side binding' in layout that way it will print in the right order for you to simply fold.
Download Focus here: Focus December 2017
Messy Church Halloween Party....
Here's a new date for your diary! Monday 30th October is our Messy Church Not so Scary Halloween Party. Featuring fun games, food, fireworks and prizes for the best fancy dress and the best Pumpkin - so families get creative with your pumpkin carving.
Concert for Christian Aid
Sunday 19th November will see our church host an evening of music by the God With Us Choir in aid of Christian Aid. Admission to the concert is FREE but there will be a retiring collection for Christian Aid. Tea and coffee will be served after the concert.
Daily bible verse
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
—2 Peter 3:18 (NIV)
Read more :: Prayers
Our minister
Our minister is the Reverend Margaret McArthur.
You can call her on 01389 849329
Email her: Minister